Every day, we are bombarded with food choices. Some are healthy, others not so much. It’s not always easy to make the right choice. But what about food that starts with the letter N? I’ve compiled a list of the top food items that begin with the letter N.
Here is a list of 37 foods that start with the letter N.
1. Nut Thins

Nut thins are crackers that are made by Blue Diamond, they are gluten-free and made with rice and almonds. They come in a variety of flavors such as sea salt, country ranch, sriracha, cheddar cheese, pepper jack, smokehouse, pecan, and original.
2. Nutter Butter Cookies
Nutter butter cookies are made by Nabisco, they are made with real peanut butter and have a crunchy texture and a smooth, creamy filling between crispy wafers. they are a delicious snack and are one of my favorite cookies.
3. Nuts
A nut is a fruit composed of an inedible hard shell and a seed, which is generally edible. In general usage and in a culinary sense, a wide variety of dried seeds are called nuts, but in a botanical context “nut” implies that the shell does not open to release the seed. many nuts (in the culinary sense), such as almonds, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and Brazil nuts, are not nuts in a botanical sense.
4. Nutmeg
Nutmeg is the spice made by grinding the seed of the fragrant nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) tree into powder. The spice has a distinctive pungent fragrance and a warm slightly sweet taste; it is used to flavor many kinds of baked goods, confections, puddings, potatoes, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables, and such beverages as eggnog.
5. Nutella

Nutella is hazelnut cocoa spread made by Ferrero, it was originally created in Italy during World War 2 when baker Pietro Ferrero added ground hazelnuts to a chocolate spread to make up for a shortage of cocoa in the country.
6. Nuggets
Every kid in America knows what chicken nuggets are. They are a staple on kid’s menus. They are a popular menu item for adults, too. Chicken nuggets come in a variety of forms. They can be fried, baked, or grilled. They can be made from a meat alternative, such as tofu. The origin of chicken nuggets is not entirely clear. What is clear is that they are a popular food around the world.
7. Nougat
Nougat is a type of confection made from sugar, honey, and egg white, which is enriched with nuts or dried fruit. It is usually chewy and can be either soft or hard, depending on the type of nougat. The word nougat comes from the French word “nougate,” which means “to knead.”
8. Norman Tart
Norman tarts are a dessert made of a shortcrust pastry shell with a sweet egg filling and a crumbly topping made from brown sugar, flour, butter, nuts, and cinnamon. The tarts are named after Norman Rockwell, the American artist who painted the first example of this dessert.
9. Nori
Nori is a type of seaweed that is dried and then rolled into thin paper-like sheets. Normally, people eat nori seaweed as a wrap for sushi, or it can be cut into thin strips to make the Japanese dish, “nori maki.”
10. Noodle Soup
Noodle soup is a popular dish in many Asian countries. The dish consists of noodles in a broth, often served with meat (usually chicken, pork, beef, or seafood) and vegetables. Noodle soup is often served in a bowl or a deep dish. In China, noodle soup is often called “zhu tieh”
11. Noodles
Noodles are a type of food made from unleavened dough which is rolled flat and cut or stretched into long strips or strings. Noodles can be refrigerated for short-term storage or dried and stored for future use. Noodles are usually cooked in boiling water, sometimes with cooking oil or salt added. Noodle dishes can include a sauce or noodles can be put into the soup.
12. Nonda Plum
The Nonda plum is a small tree or shrub which bears edible fruit which originates in Australia and New Guinea. The seeds are surrounded by brown hairs and are generally harvested in the wild.
13. Nocciole
A nocciole is a small nut that is most often used in Italian desserts. These nuts are usually roasted and then mixed into cookie dough or chocolate cake batter. Nocciole are also used in Italian pastries like cannoli, cassata, and biscotti.
14. Newburg Sauce
Newburg sauce is a type of sauce that is usually served with seafood, such as scallops, lobster, crab, etc. It is a creamy, rich, and velvety sauce. This sauce was named after Edmund Newburg, who served it at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. It’s not the easiest sauce to make, but it’s worth the effort.
15. Neufchatel Cheese
Neufchâtel is a soft French cheese that can be used in place of cream cheese for a lower calorie version. It is created from milk and cream that has been heated to just below boiling, then allowed to cool and thicken. This cheese can be used in a variety of dishes including dips, sauces, salads, and sandwiches. The cheese is named after the town of Neufchâtel-en-Bray in Normandy, France, where it was first produced.
16. Nettles
They are a green plant that is in the same family as spinach. Nettles are edible but it is recommended that you wear gloves when picking them because they have little hairs that can irritate your skin. Nettles are not typically eaten raw. You can blanch the nettles in boiling water for a few minutes or you can add them to a soup.
17. Nesselrode
The food Nesselrode is a dessert, made of layers of dark chocolate mousse alternating with layers of custard and iced with whipped cream, it is named after the Russian count Alexander Nesselrode, who served it at the Congress of Vienna in 1814.
18. Negus
Negus is a traditional Ethiopian drink made from honey wine, water, and spices. The Ethiopian version of this drink is a fermented honey wine, which is in stark contrast to the grape wine of the Mediterranean. In Ethiopia, the negus is known as the Emperor’s drink.
19. Neep
Neeps are a Scottish vegetable and look like turnips even though they are not. The taste is similar to parsnips, and they are often cooked and mashed up with thick cream. They are also pickled.
20. Nectarine

The nectarine is a type of peach that is grown on a tree that is not fuzzy. It is sweet and juicy with thin and smooth skin. There are varieties of nectarines that are yellow and orange in color.
21. Nectar
Nectar is a sweet liquid, typically of plant origin, that is used as a drink, either on its own or as an ingredient in other beverages such as juice drinks and smoothies.
22. Necci Crepes
Necci Crepes are thin, sweet, handmade, soft and chewy, delicious, and addicting crepes that originated in the Middle East. Necci Crepes are made by combining a batter of eggs, flour, and sugar, and then filling them with a variety of sweet and savory toppings. These crepes are also often dipped in honey, cream, or a syrup-like maple or caramel.
23. Navy Bean Soup
The most common name for navy bean soup is “Senate Bean Soup” the soup is made with navy beans, ham hocks, and onion. It is served in the dining room of the United States Senate every day, in a tradition that dates back to the early 20th century. The original version included celery, garlic, and parsley.
24. Navy Beans
It is a dry white bean that is smaller than many other types of white beans and has an oval, slightly flattened shape.
25. Navette
Navette is a French word for a small, disc-shaped biscuit made of puff pastry. It is a traditional French Christmas biscuit, often using whole eggs and raisins, but also with regional variations. The navette is a symbol of the star of Bethlehem, or “Little Star of the Nativity”.
26. Navel Oranges

The navel orange (Citrus sinensis) is a variety of orange that is often grown in California, and Santiago, Chile. It is a fruit that can be eaten at any time of the year and is in season from November to April. It is called navel orange because the shape of the fruit looks like the human navel.
27. Natto
Natto is a sticky, slimy, fermented soybean dish traditionally eaten in Japan. It’s a traditional Japanese breakfast food and is often served with a raw egg for dipping. Natto is usually served either at room temperature or chilled. Natto is made by fermenting boiled soya beans with the Bacillus subtilis natto bacteria.
28. Natilla
Natilla is a traditional Filipino and Spanish dessert made from evaporated milk, sugar, and whipped egg whites. It’s usually served cold or at room temperature.
29. Nasi Goreng
Nasi Goreng is a traditional Indonesian dish that consists of rice that is stir-fried with some type of vegetable and meat and usually topped with a fried egg.
30. Nashi Pear
Nashi pears are a type of pear that is grown in Japan. Nashi pears can be eaten raw, used to make fruit salads, and are a very popular ingredient in Asian cooking. Nashi pears are also called Asian pears.
31. Nargesi
Nargesi is a moist, rich, deep-fried, rice-stuffed chicken breast that is a specialty of Iranian cuisine. It is most frequently served with a side of saffron rice and a mixture of cooked vegetables.
32. Napoleon
The Napoleon is a dessert that consists of a layer of puff pastry topped with cream and fruit of your choice. Napoleons are named after Napoleon Bonaparte, who reportedly enjoyed them at a pastry shop in Saint-Cloud, France.
33. Nantua
Nantua is a type of fish stew from the Lyonnaise region of France. It is a white fish soup thickened with eggs, cream, and rice. The name of the dish is derived from the word “nantua” or “nantuaire,” the word for custard in the Occitan language.
34. Naengmyeon
Naengmyeon is a cold noodle dish, typically served in the summertime in Korea. The dish is made by combining buckwheat noodles, ice cubes, a cold Korean broth called naengmyenjang, and toppings such as kimchi, boiled eggs, ham, cucumbers, thinly-sliced beef, and fish cakes.
35. Nachos

Nachos are a dish that originated in the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras. They consist of corn tortilla chips piled high with a mixture of ground beef, refried beans, shredded cheddar cheese, and diced tomatoes, topped with jalapeños, olives, and onions.
36. Nacho Cheese
Nacho cheese is a food made of cheese, usually cheddar, and tortilla chips. One of the best things about Nachos cheese is that it is so simple to make. It is a topping that you can put on your favorite dish. You can use it as a layer to make an even more delicious dish. It is also a topping that is great to make at home because you can make it in a pan. You can put it on tacos, burritos, taco salad, and nachos.
37. Naan Bread
Naan bread is an Indian flatbread that is traditionally cooked in a clay oven. It is made from all-purpose flour, yeast, salt, and yogurt. It is typically served with Indian curry dishes. The word naan is derived from the Persian word “naan-e-bread”.
Looking for foods that start with other letters of the alphabet? Check out our other lists for foods starting with the letter E