Where is Cream of Tartar in the Grocery Store? Find It Easily


Have you ever found yourself searching for cream of tartar in the grocery store, unsure of where it might be located? You’re not alone; this powdery acid, derived from tartaric acid, can be a bit elusive due to its unique properties and uses. Known for its role as a leavening agent and acidic ingredient, cream of tartar is often used in baking to produce a light, fluffy texture. It’s also a popular ingredient for stabilizing egg whites, making it an essential addition to meringues and other desserts.

To locate cream of tartar in the grocery store, you’ll want to focus on two primary aisles. Typically, you’ll be able to find it in the spice aisle, as it’s often grouped with other seasonings like salt and cinnamon. This versatile ingredient can also be found in the baking aisle near other essentials like baking soda and baking powder. Remember to look for it in small plastic jars or tins, as it is a dry, powdery substance.

As you navigate the grocery store in search of cream of tartar, be sure to check both the spice and baking aisles to ensure you don’t miss it. Brands such as McCormick, Spice Island, and Kroger offer their own versions of this useful ingredient, so you’ll have a variety to choose from. Happy shopping and baking!

What Is Cream of Tartar

Cream of tartar is a white powdery substance derived from tartaric acid. It forms as a byproduct during the fermentation of grapes into wine and is left behind on winemaking barrels. This unique compound has various applications in the culinary world, especially in baking.

As a leavening agent, cream of tartar helps to give baked goods a light and fluffy texture. When combined with baking soda, it produces carbon dioxide gas that causes doughs and batters to rise. This reaction is what makes your cakes, cookies, and other treats airy and tender.

Moreover, cream of tartar plays a crucial role as a stabilizer. When you’re whipping up egg whites for a meringue or another dessert, the addition of this powdery acid ensures that the peaks of your mixture remain firm and glossy. This is particularly helpful in preventing your egg whites from deflating during the cooking process.

Another important characteristic of cream of tartar is its ability to enhance color retention in various dishes. For instance, when boiling vegetables or preparing pickles, a small amount of this powder can help maintain their vibrant hues.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of what cream of tartar is, you can confidently incorporate it into your culinary creations. Just remember to keep an eye out for it in the baking or spice aisle of your grocery store, as that’s where you’ll typically find this versatile ingredient.

Location in Grocery Stores

Finding Cream of Tartar in the Baking Aisle

When searching for cream of tartar in your local grocery store, start by checking the baking aisle. This is a common location for cream of tartar as it is frequently used in baking recipes, particularly when stabilizing egg whites and preventing sugar from crystallizing. Here, you are likely to find cream of tartar next to other baking essentials such as baking powder, baking soda, and salts.

If you are unable to locate it in the baking aisle, move on to our next suggestion.

Looking for Cream of Tartar in the Spice Aisle

Another possible location for cream of tartar in the grocery store is the spice aisle. Since cream of tartar is often used to impart a metallic flavor to specific dishes, such as snickerdoodle cookies or meringues, it’s typically grouped with other spices and herbs used for flavoring.

In the spice aisle, you will likely find cream of tartar in small jars or plastic containers, similar to other spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Keep an eye out for popular brands such as McCormick, as well as store-branded options like Kroger Cream of Tartar, Spice Island, or Nativo.

And remember, no matter which aisle you find your cream of tartar in, always double-check the label for brand, ingredients, and expiry date to ensure you’re purchasing the ideal product for your needs.

Where to Buy Cream of Tartar


At Walmart, you can find Cream of Tartar in the baking aisle or the spice section. They carry McCormick Gourmet All Natural Cream Of Tartar in a 2.62 oz jar, which can be purchased in-store or online.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods Market stocks Cream of Tartar in their spice aisle. They offer various brands, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.


Kroger is another great place to find Cream of Tartar. You can locate it in the spice aisle, and they offer a variety of brands, including their own Kroger brand.


Your local Safeway may have Cream of Tartar in their baking section or spice aisle. Popular brands like Signature Select and McCormick can be found at Safeway stores.


At Publix, you can find Cream of Tartar on their shelves in the spice aisle. They have multiple brands available for purchase, catering to different preferences.


Target carries Cream of Tartar in their baking section. You can find it alongside other baking ingredients and spices. If you prefer shopping online, you can also find it on their website.


Meijer offers Cream of Tartar in their baking aisle. You can find popular brands here as well, ensuring that your baking needs are met.


At Wegmans, Cream of Tartar can be found in the spice aisle. They offer a range of brands to accommodate various preferences. Check online or in-store for availability.

Online Shopping Options

When you’re looking for cream of tartar, there are plenty of online shopping options available for you. One of the most popular platforms to purchase cream of tartar is Amazon. They offer a wide selection of brands, such as McCormick and Spice Islands, and various sizes to suit your baking needs.

Besides Amazon, you can also consider shopping at Target’s website, where they offer the Good & Gather Cream of Tartar in a 3.25oz container. This option is not only affordable but also SNAP EBT eligible when purchased online.

In addition to these larger retailers, don’t forget about your local grocery stores’ online shopping platforms. Many stores, such as Publix, King Scoopers, and Fry’s, have online shopping options that include cream of tartar among their spice selections. These online stores often carry brands like McCormick and Kroger.

To summarize, your options for purchasing cream of tartar online include:

  • Amazon
  • Target
  • Local grocery stores with online shopping platforms, such as Publix, King Scoopers, and Fry’s

By exploring these online shopping options, you can conveniently find and purchase cream of tartar without even leaving the comfort of your home.

Popular Brands of Cream of Tartar

When shopping for cream of tartar at your local grocery store, you will most likely find it in the spice aisle or the baking aisle. Different stores might have slightly different arrangements, but these are the two most common locations for this ingredient.

There are several popular brands of cream of tartar available, each providing quality products for your baking needs. Some of the most well-known brands include:

  • McCormick Cream of Tartar: As one of the top producers of spices and baking ingredients in the world, McCormick offers a reliable and trusted option for cream of tartar. Their high-quality product will give you the desired results in various recipes, such as stabilizing egg whites in meringues or acting as a leavening agent in baking.
  • Kroger Cream of Tartar: If you’re shopping at a grocery store within the Kroger family (like King Scoopers or Fry’s), you’ll find their own brand of cream of tartar. The quality is on par with other brands, and it’s a cost-effective option if you’re looking to save a few dollars.
  • Spice Island Cream of Tartar: Another reputable brand in the spice and baking industry is Spice Island. They offer a premium-quality cream of tartar that delivers consistent results in your recipes.

When selecting a cream of tartar brand, consider factors such as price, availability, and your personal preference for specific brands. All the mentioned brands provide excellent quality for their cream of tartar products, so it ultimately comes down to which one works best for your needs. Rest assured that whichever brand you choose, you’ll be able to achieve the desired effects in your baking projects.

Cream of Tartar Uses in Recipes

Meringue and Whipped Cream

Cream of tartar is an essential ingredient in creating light and fluffy meringues. When added to egg whites, it helps stabilize them by preventing the proteins from sticking together. This results in a smoother and stiffer meringue. An ideal ratio to follow for meringues is 1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar per egg white.

For whipped cream, adding a small pinch of cream of tartar helps maintain its shape and texture for a longer time. This is especially useful if you’re preparing whipped cream in advance.

Cookies and Cakes

Using cream of tartar in cookies and cakes contributes to a tender and airy crumb. It’s particularly popular in snickerdoodle cookies, where its unique tangy flavor adds depth to the classic cinnamon and sugar coating.

In baking powder, cream of tartar acts as the acidic component that reacts with baking soda, creating carbon dioxide bubbles which give rise to baked goods. Some bakers even create their own baking powder by combining baking soda and cream of tartar at a 2:1 ratio.

Pies and Other Baked Goods

In pies, cream of tartar helps create light and flaky pie crusts, as it reacts with baking soda to produce small carbon dioxide bubbles. This enhances the texture of the dough, giving it that classic, crisp bite.

Other baked goods that benefit from the addition of cream of tartar include angel food cakes, where it provides extra lift, and candies like frostings or syrups, where it prevents sugar from crystallizing. To utilize its full potential in your recipes, always remember to keep your measurements precise and your ingredients fresh.

Substitutes for Cream of Tartar

If you find yourself out of cream of tartar while baking or cooking, there are several substitutes you can use in place of it. Each substitute can provide similar results, but may vary depending on the recipe and your desired outcome. Here are some common substitutes:

  • Vinegar: White vinegar is an excellent alternative for cream of tartar in some recipes due to its acidity. Replace 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar with 2 teaspoons of white vinegar in baked goods recipes.
  • Lemon juice: Another acidic option you can use is lemon juice. Substitute 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in baked goods, or 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice for each egg white when whipping them up.
  • Baking soda and Bicarbonate of soda: Baking soda can be used in combination with another acidic ingredient. For every 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar, use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and add an additional 1/2 teaspoon of an acidic ingredient (as mentioned earlier) like lemon juice or vinegar to the recipe.
  • Baking powder: This is an already-made combination of baking soda and cream of tartar. Replace 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar with 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder in recipes that already contain baking soda.
  • Buttermilk: Buttermilk is slightly acidic and can act as a replacement in some baked goods. Replace each 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar with 1/2 cup of buttermilk, while reducing the other liquid ingredients in your recipe by the same amount.
  • Yogurt: Similar to buttermilk, yogurt can be used as a substitute for cream of tartar. Use the same measurements as buttermilk (1/2 cup of yogurt for each 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar), although you may need to thin the yogurt out to achieve the consistency of buttermilk.

Remember that the choice of your substitute may depend on the recipe you’re following and your desired results. When in doubt, experiment with different substitutes to find which works best for your specific needs.

Additional Information about Cream of Tartar

Stabilizing Egg Whites

Cream of tartar is often used in recipes to stabilize egg whites. When you’re whipping egg whites for a dessert or another dish, adding a small amount of cream of tartar can help make the foam more stable. This is because the acid in cream of tartar helps to increase the pH level in the egg whites, allowing them to hold their structure better. As a result, you can achieve beautiful peaks in your whipped egg whites and impressive meringues.

Shelf Life and Storage

Storing cream of tartar properly can extend its shelf life. Since it’s a powder, it’s essential to keep it in an airtight container away from moisture and humidity. To maintain its potency, store it in a cool, dry place like a pantry or a spice rack. When stored properly, cream of tartar has a long shelf life and can typically last for several years.

Storage Tip Advice
Container Airtight container
Location Cool, dry place (e.g., pantry, spice rack)
Shelf Life Several years

Special Dietary Considerations

Cream of tartar is a versatile ingredient and can be used in various recipes, including vegan cookies and other dishes that cater to special dietary needs. It’s important to note that cream of tartar is free from sodium and other common allergens, making it a suitable choice for individuals following low-sodium diets or managing food allergies. Furthermore, cream of tartar can be used in conjunction with vegetables to enhance their flavor and texture, thanks to the chemical reaction that occurs when the tartaric acid interacts with the food.

In recipes that call for cream of tartar but require a substitute due to dietary restrictions or unavailability, consider alternatives like lemon juice or white vinegar. For example, if a cookie recipe calls for ½ teaspoon of cream of tartar, you can swap in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. However, for whipped egg whites, use ½ teaspoon of the alternative for every ⅛ teaspoon of cream of tartar. Keep in mind that substitutions might not offer the exact same results, but they can still create delicious dishes.

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