Where to Find Natto in Grocery Stores: A Guide to Locating This Traditional Japanese Food

Finding Natto in Grocery Stores

When it comes to finding natto in grocery stores, it can be a bit of a challenge. However, with a bit of knowledge and guidance, you can easily locate this nutritious and delicious superfood. Here are some tips on where to find natto in grocery stores.

Firstly, you can check the refrigerated section of your local grocery store. Natto is a perishable food item, so it is usually kept in the refrigerated section alongside other fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut. You may also find natto in the natural foods section or the international aisle of the grocery store.

If you are shopping at an Asian market or an international grocery store, you are more likely to find a wider selection of natto brands and varieties. In these stores, you may find larger beans, called ootsubu natto, “normal size” beans, known as nakatsubu, and ground-up beans known as hikiwari natto.

Some popular grocery stores like Walmart, Target, and Safeway may also carry natto, but it may be limited to only a few brands or varieties. Whole Foods Market is another great option for finding natto, as they tend to carry a wider selection of organic and specialty foods.

When searching for natto in grocery stores, keep in mind that it may not be available in every store or location. If you are having trouble finding natto in your local grocery store, you can also try ordering it online from a reputable retailer.

In conclusion, finding natto in grocery stores may require a bit of effort, but it is definitely worth it for the many health benefits and delicious taste. By checking the refrigerated section, natural foods section, international aisle, or shopping at an Asian market or specialty store, you can easily locate this nutritious superfood.

Online Options for Purchasing Natto

If you can’t find natto in your local grocery store, don’t worry! There are plenty of online options for purchasing this Japanese fermented soybean dish. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Amazon: Amazon is a great place to start your search for natto. They have a wide variety of brands and types available, including organic and non-GMO options. Plus, with Amazon Prime, you can get free two-day shipping on many products.
  • Online Retailers: There are several online retailers that specialize in Japanese food and ingredients. Some popular options include Japan Centre, Asian Food Grocer, and Marukai Market. These retailers often have a wider selection of natto and other Japanese foods than you might find in your local grocery store.
  • Direct from the Producer: Many natto producers sell their products directly to consumers through their websites. This can be a great way to get fresh, high-quality natto that is made using traditional methods. Some popular natto producers include NYrture, SoyaJoy, and Fujicco.

When purchasing natto online, be sure to pay attention to the shipping and handling fees, as well as the estimated delivery time. It’s also a good idea to read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the quality of the product and the reliability of the seller.

Overall, purchasing natto online can be a convenient and easy way to get your hands on this delicious and nutritious Japanese dish.

Health Benefits of Natto

Natto is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. It is known for its slimy texture and strong flavor. Natto is a rich source of nutrients and has many health benefits.


Natto is packed with probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that live in our gut. These bacteria help to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in our digestive system. Probiotics have been linked to improved gut health, better digestion, and a stronger immune system.

Vitamin K2

Natto is an excellent source of vitamin K2, a nutrient that is essential for bone health. Vitamin K2 helps to activate proteins that are involved in bone formation and mineralization. Studies have shown that vitamin K2 can help to improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.


Natto contains a unique enzyme called nattokinase, which has been shown to have a number of health benefits. Nattokinase has been found to help reduce blood clots, lower cholesterol levels, and improve heart health.

Heart Health

Natto has been linked to improved heart health due to its high levels of vitamin K2 and nattokinase. Studies have shown that vitamin K2 can help to reduce the risk of heart disease by improving arterial health and reducing inflammation. Nattokinase has been found to help reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow.

Bone Health

Natto is a great source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones. The vitamin K2 in natto helps to ensure that the calcium is properly absorbed and utilized by the body. This can help to improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

Gut Health

The probiotics in natto can help to improve gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This can help to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.

Overall, natto is a nutritious and delicious food that can provide a wide range of health benefits. Incorporating natto into your diet can help to improve gut health, bone health, heart health, and more.

Different Varieties and Brands of Natto

When it comes to natto, there are different varieties and brands available in the market. Some of the popular brands include Shirakiku, Miyako, and Yamaki. These brands are known for their high-quality natto that is rich in flavor and texture.

One of the most popular varieties of natto is hikiwari natto, which is made by grinding the soybeans into smaller pieces. This variety has a smoother texture and is less slimy compared to regular natto. It is also easier to mix with other ingredients, making it a versatile ingredient in various dishes.

Another popular variety is mito natto, which is made using a different fermentation process that results in a milder flavor and aroma. This variety is often preferred by those who are new to natto or who find the regular variety too strong.

For those who prefer organic options, there are also brands that offer organic natto. These brands use soybeans that are grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, making them a healthier option for consumers who are conscious about their food choices.

Overall, when it comes to choosing a brand or variety of natto, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. It is recommended to try different brands and varieties to find the one that suits your taste buds.

Quality and Packaging of Natto

When it comes to buying natto, quality and packaging are important factors to consider. We want to ensure that we are buying a product that is fresh, safe, and of good quality.

One thing to look for is the packaging. Natto is typically sold in small containers, either plastic or styrofoam. It is important to choose a container that is airtight, as this will help to preserve the freshness of the natto. If the container is not airtight, it may allow air to enter, which can cause the natto to spoil more quickly.

Another factor to consider is the quality of the natto itself. Organic natto is available in some stores, and this may be a good option for those who are looking for a product that is free from pesticides and other chemicals. Additionally, it is important to choose natto that is fresh and has not been sitting on the shelf for too long. Look for a sell-by date or expiration date on the package to ensure that you are buying a fresh product.

In terms of the quality of the natto itself, there are a few things to look for. Fresh natto should have a slightly sweet smell, and it should not have any off odors or flavors. The texture should be slimy, but not overly so, and the beans should be plump and moist.

Overall, when buying natto, it is important to choose a product that is fresh, safe, and of good quality. By paying attention to the packaging, expiration date, and quality of the natto itself, we can ensure that we are buying a product that will be enjoyable and healthy to eat.

Storage and Expiration of Natto

When it comes to storing natto, it is important to keep in mind that it is a perishable food item. Therefore, proper storage is crucial to maintain its freshness and quality. Here are some tips on how to store natto:

  • Refrigerate: Natto should always be stored in the refrigerator. This will help to slow down the fermentation process and keep the bacteria from growing too quickly. It is recommended to store natto in an airtight container to prevent any odors from seeping in.
  • Freeze: If you have a surplus of natto, you can freeze it for later use. However, it is important to note that freezing can alter the texture and flavor of natto. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it within a few days of thawing.
  • Expiration date: Always check the expiration date on the package before purchasing natto. It is best to consume it before the expiration date to ensure its freshness and quality.
  • Freshness: Natto is at its best when it is freshly made. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it within a few days of purchasing. The flavors are more distinct, and the texture tends to be stringier.

Natto is a good source of Vitamin K2, which is important for bone and heart health. However, it is important to consume natto within the recommended time frame to get the maximum benefit from its nutritional value.

In conclusion, proper storage is crucial to maintain the freshness and quality of natto. Refrigeration is the best way to store natto, and freezing should only be used as a last resort. Always check the expiration date before purchasing natto, and consume it within a few days of purchasing to ensure its freshness and quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Shirakiku Fermented Soybeans Hikiwari Natto in a grocery store?

Shirakiku Fermented Soybeans Hikiwari Natto can usually be found in the refrigerated section of Asian grocery stores. You can also check the online stores that specialize in Japanese food products.

What is the best natto brand to buy?

The best natto brand to buy is subjective and depends on personal preference. Some popular brands include Shirakiku, Miyakoichi, and Koshihikari. It is recommended to try a few different brands to find the one that suits your taste buds.

Is natto typically found in the refrigerated section of a grocery store?

Yes, natto is typically found in the refrigerated section of a grocery store. It is important to keep natto refrigerated to maintain its freshness and prevent spoilage.

Where can I find organic natto in a grocery store?

Organic natto can be found in the organic or natural food section of some grocery stores. You can also check the online stores that specialize in organic food products.

Which grocery stores carry NYrture New York Natto?

NYrture New York Natto can be found in select grocery stores in the New York City area. You can also purchase it online through their website or through online stores that specialize in Japanese food products.

Can I find natto at Walmart or Publix grocery stores?

Natto may not be available at all Walmart or Publix grocery stores. It is recommended to call ahead or check their website to see if they carry natto before making a trip to the store. Alternatively, you can check online stores that specialize in Japanese food products.

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